The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   02/13/2023

Access Google Maps or Apple Maps Even When You Don’t Have Cell Service

by Albert Khoury

Going somewhere? We'll show you how to plan ahead for bad cellular service when using Google Maps or Apple Maps.

Remember picking up roadmaps at the gas station and keeping a stash in the glove compartment? Those days are behind us, thanks to all the ways to get GPS in our cars. Some vehicles come with the software, but you can always add a device even if yours doesn’t. Or you can use your phone.

The nice thing about having a portable GPS is that it can do much more than get you where you need to go. You can explore restaurants, find rest stops and check the traffic. Or you can see the world from the comfort of home.

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